Created by the wonderful Frederic Sofia, This creative reimagining of a classic piece combines both function and style. Its distinctive lines and lightweight design make it stackable for easy storage. With its smooth curves and outdoor use, this chair is versatile and will brighten up any outdoor environment with its array of colours.
Please Note: This is not available for viewing and is only available through online purchase.
Dandenong South
Good, 8 out of 10
Fermob Luxembourg Chair - Cotton White - Floor Stock
Created by the wonderful Frederic Sofia, This creative reimagining of a classic piece combines both function and style. Its distinctive lines and lightweight design make it stackable for easy storage. With its smooth curves and outdoor use, this chair is versatile and will brighten up any outdoor environment with its array of colours.
Please Note: This is not available for viewing and is only available through online purchase.
Dandenong South
Good, 8 out of 10